The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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A Capricious Game

The Reds’ Joey Votto said something wonderful Saturday night, after just missing his bid for a record-tying home run in his eighth straight game. Here’s Votto on his streak, how it began, and how it ended:

I’m a bit of a StatCast nerd and it started with a .090 expected batting average home run on a […]

All’s Wall That Ends Well

Jon Matlack believes we know what we’re talking about. I know that’s what he believes because I asked him and that’s what he told me. And who’s not gonna believe Jon Matlack, essential starting pitcher for the 1973 National League Champion New York Mets?

At the press conference preceding Saturday night’s Mets Hall of Fame ceremonies, […]

Agents of Chaos

There are games you’re clearly fated to win, ones you’re pretty much guaranteed to lose, and ones where the outcome teeters and totters between joy and horror while your heart tries to keep pace. And then there are games like Monday night’s in Cincinnati — ones where the sheer insanity of everything gobbles up logic […]

Cyclones Past and Present

Congratulations to Travis Taijeron, he of the almost-invariably mispronounced last name, on his first big-league hit.

And congratulations to Joey Votto for continuing to be Joey Votto. The Reds’ star demolished a ball thrown by Jeurys Familia for a home run, then gave high-fives, his bat and uniform top to a kid battling cancer. (And note […]

Rafael’s Rare-ish Gem

The Mets won by shutout. Their starter went at least eight-and-a-third innings. He gave up no more than three hits and got the win. According to Baseball Reference, those specific boxes have been checked 119 times in franchise history, about twice a year since 1962. It’s a total that includes some of the most memorable […]

Not Losing Feels Better Than Losing

Utter pessimism is dead! Long live tempered pessimism!

Losing, Lewis Grizzard once wrote, hurts worse than winning feels good. We’ve known plenty from losing and hurting. We’re only now processing again how winning feels. I’m not certain. After the 0-3 start that weighed 0-30 in Met-ric emotional tonnage, the simple act of not losing feels pretty […]

An Interesting Way to Lose

A day after playing a stultifying, graceless mess of a game that they won, the Mets played a bizarre, quietly fascinating game that they lost.

After you’ve watched enough baseball games, you find yourself wondering if the baseball cliché about seeing something you’ve never seen before should be retired. Because, really, how can that be? I’m […]