The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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‘Old Friends’ Power Rankings

Hey old friends
How do we stay old friends
Who is to say, old friends
How an old friendship survives?

One day chums
Having a laugh a minute
One day comes
And they’re a part of your lives

New friends pour
Through the revolving door
Maybe there’s one, that’s more
If you find one
That’ll do
—Stephen Sondheim

1. Noah Syndergaard Juan Lagares
When we saw the schedule for 2022, […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2021!

Great, there will actually be a season! Which means we have business to attend to — extending a slightly overdue welcome to 2021’s matriculating Mets, who are now in The Holy Books!

(Background: I have three binders, long ago dubbed The Holy Books by Greg, that contain a baseball card for every Met on the all-time […]

Holding Out for a Hawkeye

Never mind the cliché about a team beset by injuries resembling a M*A*S*H unit. The Mets of the moment — with 16 players on their injured list — are closer to a M*A*S*H episode. A specific M*A*S*H episode in my mind, the one titled “Carry On, Hawkeye,” from the second season of the series. In […]

Competing Visions

“Please cover your left eye and tell me what you saw Wednesday night from Atlanta.”

“David Peterson carrying a no-hitter into the fifth inning, showing the promise that gets us so excited about him … defensive prodigy Khalil Lee making his second sensational catch in two nights … Cameron Maybin using his wheels and wits to […]

Meet These Mets

(Presented with eternal affection for the timeless creation of Ruth Roberts and Bill Katz)

Meet this Met
Meet that Met
Every day we meet more Mets

There’s Tommy Hunter
And his first hit
There’s Khalil Lee
Who can field quite a bit

Johneshwy Fargas
Roaming in center
Starting relievers
So new arms must enter


Suddenly’s a power bat
His clutch home run
Just beat the Braves
Get a load of […]

I’ll See Your ‘Churve’ and I’ll Raise You ‘Bulpable’

Less than 24 hours after the Mets lost to the Rays by one run on Friday night, the Mets were losing by one run to the Rays on Saturday afternoon, yet whereas Friday’s defeat grated deeply as a one-run loss will, the one-run deficit the Mets were alternately trying to overcome and maintain Saturday didn’t […]

Don’t Designate Me, Bro

When the word “designated” enters the clubhouse conversation, ballplayers must get a little glum. If you’re told you’re a designated hitter, it means your glove is deemed superfluous. If you’re told you’re designated for assignment, it means the entirety of you is deemed superfluous. Until somebody declares different, the NL reverts to a DH-free zone […]