The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Bar Mitzvah Game’s Bar Mitzvah

Some are like summer
Coming back every year
Got your baby
Got your blanket
Got your bucket of beer
I break into a grin
From ear to ear
And suddenly
It’s perfectly clear
That’s why I’m here
—James Taylor

The 2023 Mets have assured themselves they will not be the statistical equal of the 2022 Mets, having notched their 62nd loss Tuesday night the season after […]

Mute the Trumpets

Timmy Trumpet, deprived by impending circumstances of a stage to serenade Edwin Diaz with “Narco” in the ninth, made the most out of the seventh-inning stretch. Brandon Nimmo and Starling Marte teamed up on first-inning hijinks that scored a run on what was about to be a foul ball. Marte homered and played some solid […]

One For The Money

This Tuesday night in August was going to be part makeup game, part resumption. The makeup portion was for 2020 when the Princes and the Chasins (that’s me and Stephanie, Ryder and his dad Rob) did not get out to Citi Field because nobody was getting out to Citi Field on any night in any […]

What Counts

In doing my nightly postgame statistical rounds, I noticed that the score by which the Mets beat the Washington Nationals on Wednesday, 11-6, had been gathering dust for quite some time. Until Wednesday, when the Mets exploded with practically unimaginable amounts of offense and it still seemed barely enough to fend off one particular precocious […]

Twelve Out of Thirteen, Ten In a Row

The Tenth Annual Princes and Chasins Spend a Tuesday Night At Citi Field in August Game came with a surprise at the bottom of its Cracker Jack box: competitive implications beyond the bonhomie inherent in these get-togethers. Bonhomie is all the four of us were in it for when we settled on this date, same […]

The Vargas Index

Nights like Tuesday, defined primarily by rain, futility and Jason Vargas, deserve to be evaluated not on how bad the Mets’ loss was mathematically, but how the elements that constitute the whole of the experience measure within the parameters of the carefully calibrated Jason Vargas Index.

For those who […]

Firsts and Stills

No matter how many ballgames you go to, it is often mentioned, you’ll see something you haven’t seen before. Sure enough, I experienced a plethora of firsts on Tuesday night, which was by no means my first ballgame.

Let’s see what I saw that I hadn’t seen previously…

• The pat-you-down security guy hassling me about my […]

Spring Touches Visitor to New England

Happy one-month anniversary of when the Mets started playing games that didn’t count, don’t count and won’t count until April 3. Spring Training schedules don’t traditionally engender milestones while in progress, but this year, with the World Baseball Classic motivating early birds everywhere, what we call “spring” began in earnest amid the indisputable dead of […]

As Seasons Die

Applause for Kelly Johnson, upon the ninth-inning, one-out, two-run home run that tied Wednesday night’s game, was hearty at schvitzy Citi Field but not universal. The Metsnoscenti recognized false hope as soon as they saw it. Huzzah, Kelly, for you did what you were supposed to do, what none of your teammates managed to do […]

Tuesday Night Baseball Club

Welcome to Tuesday night, Citi Field, Flushing, New York, August, the 2010s. It is not by chance we are here. We make a date. We make this date.

August 10, 2010
August 9, 2011
August 21, 2012
August 6, 2013
August 12, 2014
August 11, 2015

Did we ever have a meeting to decide? Did it go through committee? Did we take […]