The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Never at a Loss

Is it too soon to say we’re living in a golden age of Mets baseball? How about one that is thus far untarnished?

By winning in Miami on Saturday behind Tylor Megill (starting in place of Justin Verlander), Mark Canha (homering like he’s Pete Alonso) and a bullpen cast of thousands (none of them presented by […]

History Rhymes, Repeats, Lets Us Down

“Everywhere I went,” Marvin Gaye and, later, James Taylor sang, “it seems I’d been there before.” In that spirit of history either repeating or rhyming, I’d have to say that on Wednesday night, I kind of got what they were getting at.

On October 25, 1986, though the result didn’t go final until the earliest hour […]

This Is the Hardcover Edition

It’s the faces I’ll remember.

Steven Matz, hunkered down on the mound with his knees bent as Jorge Alfaro jogged around the bases, having authored a grand slam and a 6-0 Marlins lead. Matz’s face was a mask of horror and self-loathing, and for a moment I wondered if he’d be able to get back up.

Pete […]

The Grudge Report

Todd Frazier is officially a Met! Which means Mike Moustakas isn’t! News like this demands exclamation points late in an ellipsis kind of winter.

Yet I am delighted enough to punctuate with enthusiasm, not so much because Frazier is a name-brand free agent who’s signed for only two years (I generally fall for those, regardless of […]

Seaver and the Hendersons

Tom Seaver returned from M. Donald Exile (a.k.a. Cincinnati) on April 5, 1983, and though it was as if order had been restored to Shea Stadium, one element of the Metsian universe had been disturbed. The home uniform Tom donned for his triumphant restoration as king of our hill had been notably altered. The emperor’s […]

It Wasn’t Over Till It Was Over

The constantly vigilant, uncommonly retentive (not to mention preternaturally anxious) baseball fan’s mind comes fully equipped with hyperlinks. He sees something and it reminds him of something he’s seen before. It may or may not be worth the trouble of clicking on, but he know it’s there.

For example, Wednesday night the Mets were ahead of […]

A Terry Good Time to Turn It Around

Saturday was Valentine’s Day, providing those us of who still adore from chronologically afar the occasion’s namesake a moment to recall the improvement Bobby Valentine’s Mets produced in his first full year at the helm. After finishing 71-91 in 1996 (a campaign he took over with 31 games remaining), the 1997 Mets delightfully surprised their […]

Two Fastballs, Still Going

It’s good to know, in some perverse way, that with only two weeks remaining in the flat-out, most embarrassing second half the Mets have ever matriculated down the field, a given Mets loss can still rankle me enough to make me kick a plastic beer cup until it makes a thwack almost as loud as […]

Sunday Night at the Metsies (Part II)

It was a win, which made it much better than a loss, but for a Mets fan, it was mostly uneasy. The Mets were making their second Sunday Night Baseball appearance of 1998 on ESPN, their twentieth overall. The previous nineteen — beginning with the very first SNB telecast in 1990 and running through early […]

You'll Rarely Manage in This Game Again

With Bobby Valentine’s non-hiring as manager of the Florida Marlins proving once again his predecessor’s 1973 utterance about it not being over until is over oh so true, one wonders if the key credential on his managerial résumé is the item that quietly did him in. Bobby V won a pennant for the Mets, yet […]